You will never get to know a person once you got to talk to him, in-which-ever-way-possible. You discover things unimaginable out of that conversation alone, perfectly registered in the core of my mind. I have had my fair share of being bad, being spiteful to somebody, maybe. Had I become the center of their hateness, had I become the one person they wished if they have the ability to let me vanish, they would, but who knows.
Over and over, I bump into people whom in a short of a time become friends and then gone, or a long time friend for that matter. I remember this guy, he never call new friends friends, only acquaintances. Maybe he has his reasons, whatever it was, I don’t know.
The meanness in us apparently becomes apparent without us knowing it, which sometimes makes us indefinite, implied kind of menace to other people. You showed compassion, you utter words of love, you care, but in a sincere way of saying and doing it. It is so much hard to believe, and you question yourself why. How can one do such a harsh thing without ever thinking? How can one sleep soundly at night, peace and quiet?
I didn’t really understand why people can be very meaningless at times, and like vultures taking advantage of their prey. I always think of it as a senseless impulse as opposed to consciously doing it. If I were that person, no matter how much pain I would have to bear to, I would easily crawl myself out of the relationship if I had to. Trust my word for it. I could hardly stick to something and make the situation even worst than I already expected it to be. And I wouldn't have to explain why I was in such a hurry to leave the relationship. No matter how much I cried myself to sleep over that person. I am just not that forgiving as the others can be?
Until such time, we could never feel relief, a relief that will come from the very core of our being, and then finally say we believe, we believe every words coming out from his mouth, every actions, every hands he’s laid on you, and every hugged he shared with you….still, it doesn’t change anything!
How lucky that I am alone!
We can’t all be saints and martyrs!
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